Oh To Be Human
Oh To Be Human
@ Could be Good Project Space
8 Resolution Way, Deptford, SE8 4AL
Private View: Friday 26 Oct, 6pm- 9pm
(Everyone welcome)
Show continues:
Sat 27: Oct 11am-4pm
Fri 2: Nov 11am-4pm
Sat 3: Nov 11am-4pm
Submit to Love Studios present a series of printed works exploring first impressions, identity, physical appearance and the role of emotion in defining who we are. Created by the artists who have lived through a life-altering experience which is sometimes visible, and sometimes not.
Submit to Love is a collective of self-taught artists, all of whom have survived brain injuries. Some use this to influence their work, whilst others take inspiration from the world around them. All of the artists are members of Headway East London, a charity supporting people affected by brain injury.
Headway East London works with over 750 brain injury survivors and their families across 13 London boroughs each year. Supporting them to cope with the practical and emotional consequences of brain injury through advice and advocacy, therapies and support groups. Headway East is based in Hackney, 150 members come each week to participate in activities such as cooking, writing, music, and art.
Headway East London maintain a community where people with brain injury are respected, valued and able to fulfil their potential.
We will be selling artwork, publications and merchandise by Submit to Love artists, at the private view. A great opportunity to pick up an early Christmas gift!
Twitter: @HeadwayELondon
Instagram: @submittolovestudios