Love & Fear
An exhibition of recent works by Redstart Artist’s, David Quan and Uduehi Imienwarin.
Private View: Friday 30th November, 6pm-9pm
Show continues: Saturday 1st Dec 11am-4pm and Sunday 2nd Dec 11am-4pm
Udi loves lions. They have taken pride of place in all his artworks. He tirelessly draws lions in their natural habitats.
David has a fear of dogs. The process of collecting natural materials in parks and making dog sculptures has been a liberating experience.
Redstart Arts aims to develop and deliver visual arts for adults with learning disabilities. We act as a platform for artists with learning disabilities, enabling them to work collaboratively with creative professionals to create high quality art, installations or products that have a valued place within the visual and applied arts world.
Instagram: redstartarts
Twitter: RedstartArts